IAN WIECZOREK - Visual Artist

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FIRST FIX was a co-curated project with artist Fintan Friel, which took place at the Custom House Studios, Westport, Co. Mayo, Ireland in July 2007.
The show comprised 81 submssions of images with accompanying text following an open call-out, inviting people to identify the first time a piece of visual art had made a profound impression on them. Submissions comprised a photocopy/reproduction of the relevant image accompanied by a short contextualising narrative.
Exhibition submissions were documented in a printed catalogue (10 copies).

Text of original invitation to submit:

"What was the first picture that turned you on? The first image that really moved you?
Participants are asked to consider their own personal art experience and locate one particular image that conveys a defining moment. What was the context of your experience? Was it in a book; at an exhibition; in a shop window? Were you amazed; intrigued; shocked?
Submissions are invited in the form of a reproduction of the image you have selected (photocopy, postcard, digital print, etc.) up to A4 in size, together with a typed or hand-written account of the memories associated with that particular image, again up to a maximum of A4." (Exhibition text, 2007)

"FIRST FIX is an intervention that offers the opportunity to participants - both active (the submitter) and passive (the viewer) - to examine their own cultural history and development, and offer a focus for individual meditation and self-curation in line with postmodern emphasis on context and localised meaning. This principle is augmented in the democratised creation of unled individual art/textworks by participants. As a corollary, while the project is not designed as a controlled experiment, it will offer some inkling of the diversity and commonality that moves people to engage with the visual arts in the Western context."
- Fintan Friel & Ian Wieczorek
(text, 2007)

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